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Course plan

The goals of the course are to train therapists in the TMS method for the treatment and healing of chronic pain. This is a response to the growing need for guidance and instruction in successful treatment processes for pain.

The vision behind the course is to teach essential knowledge in the effective healing of chronic pain, aiming to alleviate the personal, familial, social, and economic suffering and burden caused by pain. We aspire to fulfill this vision by training professionals and subsequently building community treatment teams for pain management and recovery.


How we do this

The course is built according to high quality standards for training therapists in the TMS method. The training of therapists includes a final examination on theoretical knowledge, as well as the submission of case studies from the clinic involving treatment and healing according to the principles of the method.

The course is based on current theoretical and scientific research, but at the same time, it places a major emphasis on practice and applicability. Our goal is to enable participants to apply the learned principles immediately after the course to achieve greater success in pain treatment processes.

To make the learning experience engaging and meaningful, each module will integrate examples from real cases with references to relevant and up-to-date research.

The course offers two ways to participate: with or without certification. The general track is open to anyone interested. The certification track is intended for individuals with relevant qualifications in related fields and requires passing a written multiple-choice exam (with a passing score of 70/100) and submitting three case studies from the clinic that have been treated by incorporating the principles of the method. Participants will receive personal feedback on managing these cases from Dr. Brosh.

Following the training, a multiple-choice exam will be conducted to assess theoretical knowledge for participants in the certification program (with a passing score of 70 and the option to retake the exam) in addition to submission of three case studies involving patients guided for at least three months.

Course Start Date: 26/03/2024

Training Syllabus: Instruction Units:

  1. Scientific Innovations in Understanding Pain (Neurophysiology of Pain)—3 hours

  2. Why are we seeing a “pain epidemic” today?—1.5 hours

  3. Characteristics of Pain Patients—2 hours

  4. Common Causes and Factors of Pain—Differential Diagnosis of Pain—1.5 hours

  5. "Doctor, my emotions hurt”—On emotions, stress, and pain / The Biopsychosocial Model—2 hours

  6. Brain, Emotions, and Pain—Neurophysiology of Emotions and their Connection to Pain—1.5 hours

  7. The Snowball Effect of Chronic Pain—The Development of Chronic Pain Step by Step—2.5 hours

  8. Pain is not only in the body—Spectrum of Pain—The broad impact range of pain—2 hours

  9. Healing in Practice—How to effectively treat chronic pain—Principles of chronic pain treatment—The Mind–Body model—Tools and techniques—3 hours

  10. Healing in Practice, Part II—Principles of chronic pain treatment, Part II—Tools and techniques—3 hours

  11. Healing in Practice, Part III—Principles of chronic pain treatment, Part III—Stages of healing according to Dr. Brosh’s 10 years experience in treating pain—Interventions tailored to each stage—3 hours

  12. “Ladders and Ropes” in Pain Healing—Identifying difficulties in the healing process and how to solve them quickly and effectively—3 hours

  13. The Goal—Healing! The role of the therapist in guidance and instruction, and how to transform the therapist–patient relationship into a meaningful part of the ability to heal pain (tools, techniques, communication)—3 hours

  14. Circles of Empowerment and Love—Building a supportive and empowering community for healing (therapist–patient relationship, empowering resources for the patient, family, empowerment groups, social circles)—3 hours

  15. Caution: Symptom recurrence!—How to deal correctly with temporary setbacks and the return of symptoms, prevent relapses, and provide proper support over time—3 hours

  16. Map of Paths to Healing—Overview of the method, summary, and integration of the course—3 hours

Total: 40 academic hours

Do you have questions about the course or the TMS method?

Would you like more information and to register for the upcoming course?

Want to schedule a call?
You can call us at +972-73-7576645

Or fill in the details in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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